January 22, 2003

In This Issue


One Third of Europeans and Almost Half of Americans Use The Internet for Health Information

From a November 2, 2002 issue of the British Medical Journal comes a telling article that shows just how important the Internet has become in health related matters.  According to a survey by the business analysts Datamonitor, 32% of the Europeans and 43% of the Americans questioned had used the Internet for health information. The survey also showed that 21% of Europeans and 23% of Americans had asked their doctor about a disease or symptom after having first read something about it on the Internet.

The study also showed that consumers also wanted to use the Internet to improve access to their doctor. Forty five per cent of Europeans (54% of Americans) wanted to be able to email their doctor, and 46% of Europeans (55% of Americans) would like their doctors to be able to send them prescriptions by email.

The study published in the BMJ was not the only study on this subject.  Manhattan Research, a healthcare marketing information and services firm, also conducted research on this subject. Mark Bard, the president of Manhattan Research stated, "From the point of view of the consumer, the Internet has already become a critical resource when researching health information, making decisions about treatment options, and interacting with health professionals and organizations. However, many health and life sciences organizations, pharmaceutical companies included, have yet to realize the full potential of marketing to this disproportionately valuable segment of the population, and the competitive advantage of integrating the online component back into the overall business."

This information should stir chiropractors to action.  The Internet offers our profession the first viable media to get our complete message out to the world.  Never before has the technology existed to spread the message of chiropractic so completely, and so affordably.  This is why we at Now You Know take our responsibility so seriously.  We realize that websites and email newsletters are more than just online advertisements.  These tools represent educational opportunities that can change the lives of millions.


Feds Join With Chiropractors to Fight Overuse of Prescription Drugs

The International Chiropractors Association has agreed to assist the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) in alerting the chiropractic profession and the public to a new campaign on the dangers of prescription drugs.

This campaign was prompted by a federal study that revealed the extent of the danger from prescription pain killers. This public education campaign uses stark graphics and emphatic warnings of the lethal risks of prescription drug misuse, and is aimed at young people ages 14 to 25.

According to a news release by the FDA and the SAMHSA, dated January 16, 2003, in 2001 almost three million youths aged 12 to 17 had used prescription medications non-medically in their lifetimes. “The public needs to know that just because a medication is safe and even life-saving when used appropriately, it is not harmless if used inappropriately," said SAMHSA Administrator Charles Curie.  He continued, "Abuse of prescription drugs can lead to addiction, misdiagnosis of serious illness, life threatening circumstances and even death."

"Young adults, even teens, are taking opioids, anti-depressants and stimulants for recreation," said H. Westley Clark, M.D., J.D., M.P.H., Director of SAMHSA's Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT). "They do not seem to realize that this misuse can lead to serious problems with addiction."

A new website is now available through which campaign materials can be accessed.  The ICA is urging all chiropractors to make maximum use of these important and FREE public health resources in their practices and in their communities.  These new materials are available at: http://www.rx.samhsa.gov. Materials now available in this campaign include two print public service announcements - The Buzz Takes Your Breath Away and It's to Die For and a consumer education brochure entitled The Buzz Takes Your Breath Away - Permanently. The educational materials are targeted to get the attention of 14 to 25 year-olds, but the materials are relevant for all consumers who use prescription pain relievers for non-medical purposes. 


Oklahaven Children’s Chiropractic Center Announces Have-A-Heart 2003

For the fifth consecutive year, Oklahaven will hold its annual Have-A-Heart fundraising campaign during the Valentine’s holiday. In explaining what the Have-A-Heart event means to Oklahaven, Dr. Bobby Doscher, Oklahaven’s President and CEO,Oklahaven stated “This is the week that we ask chiropractors, their clients and people around the world to open their hearts to help the sick and damaged children who come to the Center. The success of this event means that we can assist more children on their long journey back to health.”

During the week of February 10-15, 2003, Have-A-Heart participants will be asked to show the Oklahaven 40th Anniversary video in their waiting rooms and ask their patients and colleagues to sponsor a “heart” for the children. Soon, these paper hearts multiply and cover the walls as people open their own hearts to helping children achieve optimal health through chiropractic.

Through the imagination and enthusiasm of the chiropractic community, last years Have-A-Heart event raised one quarter of the Center’s operational income. Each group and practice that participates in Have-A-Heart not only raises funds to help Oklahaven continue its work, they also raise awareness of chiropractic for children while helping to build practices and educate the public on a natural, drug-free way of life.

To participate in Oklahaven’s 2003 Have-A-Heart event, visit their website at www.chiropractic4kids.com, click into the Have-A-Heart page, complete the registration form and send via e-mail or mail to their offices at: Oklahaven Children’s Chiropractic Center, 4500 N. Meridian, Oklahoma City, OK 73112. For more information, contact Oklahaven’s offices at (405) 948-8807.


New Features for 2003 With Now You Know Services

We at Now You Know have committed to keeping our subscribers at the cutting edge of new communications technology.  We have listened to what our subscribers have asked for and we have responded.  We are very proud to offer two new features to our services that are groundbreaking.  These new features allow our doctors to keep in touch with their patients faster and easier than ever before.  Below are descriptions of the new features.

Self-Update Website Pages: Now our website subscribers will be able to Self-Update certain portions of their websites in real-time, by themselves.  This means that our subscribers will be able to make changes on their own website and have them show up instantly!  This gives them the ability to post daily announcements, office news, or other time sensitive events immediately.  Of course, we still have a full complement of skilled webmasters ready to make updates on all other areas of our subscribers websites.  But for those who want to make simple quick announcements or updates, this new feature will be a quick and efficient way to stay up-to-the-minute with your patients.


Self-Mailer Feature: Now NYK Newsletter subscribers will be able to send out their own email announcements using their secure patient list.  With our new NYK Self-Mailer feature, subscribers can now send one secure email to one address and that email will be propagated to their entire patient email list so that each person on that list gets a single email.  This allows doctors to easily and securely send messages out to their entire patient base as often as they would like to. This new feature is revolutionary, and will make NYK Newsletter subscribers the most up-to-date professionals in healthcare.

Imagine sending an email to your entire patient list about an upcoming event at your office.  Then imagine these patients having the ability to go to your website and see more about that event from updates you have made to your website that day!  This is the type of instant communications you can have with your patients with the NYK website and newsletter services.  Other uses include the ability to send out emails about office closings and also post those instantly on your website.  You can even respond instantly to news items that may appear in your local paper or on television. The applications and possibilities are endless when you have the ability to communicate instantly with your patients. Only Now You Know offers the chiropractic profession these advanced features!  Visit our newly designed website at www.nowyouknow.net for more information.


NYK Introduces New "Premium Package"

Now You Know is now making it easier than ever to start a subscription to the most advanced communications services in chiropractic.  We have introduced our "Premium Package" that allows you to save $50 on your initial signup fees as well as saving $30 per month (that's $360 per year) on the full package of NYK services.  Additionally, we are now allowing new subscribers to join our services by paying only the initial startup fees!  Monthly charges will not start until the next quarter.  This means that you can now start all three NYK services and all you will have to pay is the startup fee of $348.00.

Look at the savings you can get by subscribing to our NYK Premium Package.

Our monthly fees (billed quarterly)

Initial One-Time fees

Our "Premium Package" includes the NYK Website service, the NYK Newsletter service, and Echiropractic online cards and pamphlets service.  These services come with all the new modern features that places our subscribers at the forefront of information technology. 


Our Upcoming Seminars and Shows

We would like to thank the many associations, organizations and groups that have us on their programs speaking. Dates permitting, we would love to participate at your Association or Society convention as well. If you are interesting in having us at your program please contact us at either braile@nowyouknow.net or call us at 800-695-8937.  Below is a list of programs and appearances we are attending in the near future.   




January 23-26, 2003
Speaking & Booth

New Beginnings
 Molly Pitcher Inn, Red Bank, NJ

New Beginnings

February 15-16, 2003

Saturday Night Live Plus Program
Nashville, Tennessee
Ramada Downtown

Dr. Heskett

February 22-23, 2003
Speaking & Booth

"Chiropractic Without a Doubt"
by ICA, Dallas, TX

ICA  1-800-423-4690

Click here for flyer

February 20-22, 2003
Speaking & Booth

"Ward Success Systems Extravaganza"
"New York NY Hotel" - Los Vegas NV

 Ward Success Systems

February 28-March 2, 2003

Arnold Classic & ICA Sport Fitness Symposium, Columbus, Ohio

ICA  1-800-423-4690

March 8-9, 2003
Speaking & Booth

"Chiropractic Without a Doubt"
by ICA, Atlanta, GA

ICA  1-800-423-4690

Click here for flyer

March 14-16, 2003

Michigan Chiropractic Assoc.
Soaring Eagle Resort in Mt. Pleasant


April 4-6, 2002

The Family Practice
Renaissance Concourse Hotel
One Hartsfield Centre Pkwy Atlanta, GA 30354

1-866-LEAD-DCS (532-3327)
Extension 105

April 24-27, 2003

Life DE Meeting
Waverly Hotel Atlanta


May 1-4, 2003
Speaking & Booth

New Beginnings

New Beginnings

May 16-18, 2002

The Family Practice
Sheraton Gateway Airport Hotel
600 Airport Boulevard Burlingame, CA

1-866-LEAD-DCS (532-3327)
Extension 105

May 17-18, 2003

ICA Philosophy Symposium
Kansas City MO

ICA  1-800-423-4690

May 22-25, 2003

Sherman LYCEUM
Sherman College, Spartanburg, SC

(800) 849-8771, ext.1229

June 14-15, 2003
Speaking & Booth

"Chiropractic Without a Doubt"
by ICA, Seattle, WA

ICA  1-800-423-4690

Click here for flyer

July 18-20, 2002

The Family Practice
Atlanta, GA

1-866-LEAD-DCS (532-3327)
Extension 105

July 31- August 3, 2003

Life DE Meeting


August 7-10, 2003
Speaking & Booth

Palmer Lyceum

Palmer College

August 23-24, 2003
Speaking & Booth

"Chiropractic Without a Doubt"
by ICA, Reno, NV

ICA  1-800-423-4690

Click here for flyer

September 12-14, 2002

The Family Practice
Reston, VA

1-866-LEAD-DCS (532-3327)
Extension 105

September 18-21 2003
Speaking & Booth

New Beginnings

New Beginnings

September 27-28, 2003
Speaking & Booth

"Chiropractic Without a Doubt"
by ICA, Austin, TX

ICA  1-800-423-4690

Click here for flyer

October 18-19, 2003
Speaking & Booth

"Chiropractic Without a Doubt"
by ICA, Portland, OR

ICA  1-800-423-4690

Click here for flyer

November 1-2, 2003
Speaking & Booth

"Chiropractic Without a Doubt"
by ICA, Milwaukee, WI

ICA  1-800-423-4690

Click here for flyer

November 7-9, 2002

The Family Practice
Renaissance Concourse Hotel
One Hartsfield Centre Pkwy Atlanta, GA 30354

1-866-LEAD-DCS (532-3327)
Extension 105

November 16-17, 2003
Speaking & Booth

"Chiropractic Without a Doubt"
by ICA, Phoenix, AZ

ICA  1-800-423-4690

Click here for flyer


Now You Know Services and Products

Now You Know Websites: Our combination of features, updates, message quality and quantity of content has made Now You Know the largest provider of individual web sites to the chiropractic profession. Over 30 templates to choose from, over 350 pages of content, and many other features at a great price, make our website service the most talked about in chiropractic.  Check out the ever growing list of features on our website at: www.nowyouknow.net, then click on our services and then website service.

Now You Know Email Newsletter Service: Our newsletter is the most popular patient email newsletter in chiropractic.  We estimate that each month over 100 thousand people read these each month.  Current and hard-hitting articles on health and chiropractic issues delivered directly to your patient's inbox has made our newsletter service unsurpassed in chiropractic.  Additionally, our newsletter service now has a feature that allows our subscribers to easily email their entire list of patients by sending one secure email that propagates to their entire list.  So not only can your patients get the great stories and articles from the NYK Newsletter, but they can also get updates directly from the doctor!  Is there any wonder that hundreds of offices love this service! 

Echiropractic:  We push the technology window to the limit with online chiropractic pamphlets, cards and office letters for you to use.  This service allows the subscriber to send unlimited individual emails directly to patientsEach Echiropractic message can be customized with a message from the doctor.  This service is not unlike some other popular online greeting cards, with one big exception. These messages are for chiropractic offices, with chiropractic messages.  See what everyone else is talking about by visiting www.nowyouknow.net

NYK Patient Lecture Presentation: Now You Know offers the most graphically impressive patient lecture available in chiropracticUse hi-tech graphics and dazzling images to teach your patients about chiropractic and your office.   Now available with both a CD-Rom for Laptop and LCD projectors, as well as 35mm slides for slide projector presentations.  This presentation also comes with an audio tape of the program being given live to be used as a training tool.

FREE Stuff:  When you visit our Now You Know website, please take a moment to click on the "Free Stuff" page.  There you will find a variety of give-a-ways from many sources in chiropractic.  The free-bees include a number of great free newsletters and other specials and offers.

FREE Online Classifieds:  Looking to sell or buy a practice?  Are you looking to be an associate?  These and many more are available through a joint classifieds posted from Now You Know and Planet Chiropractic.  Just go to our website and look under "Free stuff".

Chiropractic Depot:  A new website, www.chiropracticdepot.com has opened for business.  This new website is intended to feature supplies and equipment to help chiropractors and those involved with chiropractic have better access to the tools and services they need to grow and reach more people.  One of the first products offered on this site at a greatly reduced price are two versions of highly versatile and easily transportable display booths.  These two displays are perfect for chiropractic vendors who regularly go to shows and for chiropractors who do screenings or other presentations. They come in two sizes, the larger ShowMax display and the smaller ShowStyle version.  The ShowMax folds up completely into a self contained rolling suitcase that can be easily brought with you to any event. 


New General Mailing Address:
Now You Know Inc.
PO Box 2210
Marietta, GA 30061-2210


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