February, 2005 Issue

In This Issue

  • Largest Volume DC Starts Seminars
  • Now You Know Adds Director of Sales
  • ICA Issues Statement on FSU School
  • New Beginnings Moves May Meeting to New Jersey
  • Chiro-News Links
  • NYK Upcoming Seminars and Shows
  • Now You Know Internet Educational Services
  • Products for your Office and Practice
  • How to Contact NYK


Largest Volume DC Starts Seminars

Have you ever wondered who the highest volume practitioner is? In case you did not know his name is Dr. Rob Schiffman, and he has started a series of seminars called, "Get the Big Idea." Dr. Rob is a solo practitioner who regularly sees over 3000 patient visits per week! (That’s right I said three thousand.)

Dr Rob has been a dear friend of mine for many years and we speak quite often. A few weeks back he called me to vent that he felt bad that he had backed-up about 45 minutes in his office that day. When I asked him how many he had seen that day that caused him to back up, he said 830.

I have personally visited his office and watched him adjust 275 people on a Thursday afternoon! I noticed that he was very focused and the patients were the happiest group I had ever encountered. His staff did a poll of his patients to see how they felt about their time in his office. They asked only one question, “How long do you spend with the doctor on each visit?” Even though we know that at his volume the real time could only be seconds, the patients answers averaged between 8 and 12 minutes! That’s real time consciousness.

Dr Rob will be sharing the secrets of the busiest practice at his programs. I have also been asked to speak and will be sharing my insights as well. The first of these new Get the Big Idea programs will be held in Chicago on Feb 11 - 12 at the Hyatt Regency Downtown. If you would like to attend I highly recommend you move quickly and call their toll free number at 877-251-0181.

For more information on this program you can visit his website at www.getthebigidea.com or you can click here for a flyer for these programs.


Now You Know Adds Director of Sales

We are proud to announce the newest addition to our team, Ms. DeDe Van Riper. DeDe, as most people know her, has taken the position of Director of Sales at Now You Know. She brings years of experience in chiropractic and has worked for several large and visible companies in chiropractic and is well respected in our profession.

Now You Know has experienced a continual dynamic growth since our humble beginnings some short six years ago. We have continually added new support staff and personnel to help our subscribers. Until now, we have never added anyone in the area of sales. To contact DeDe, or any member of our support team, please feel free to use out toll free number at 800-695-8937.


ICA Issues Statement on FSU School

The ICA Board of directors has taken a stand on the issue of the school at FSU.  The following is the text of that statement as approved by the Board at their meeting on January 26, 2005

The International Chiropractors Association (ICA) strongly supports the concept of incorporating programs of professional chiropractic education into state funded college and university systems. As a well-established and recognized health profession, the public is entitled to expect comparable government support for all the health disciplines, in order to guarantee an adequate supply of well-trained professionals.

The recent controversy over the proposed opening of a school of chiropractic at Florida State University (FSU) has, however, revealed an unfortunate set of circumstances that call into question the ability of that institution to offer students a quality program of chiropractic education. The numerous, high-profile statements of some at the FSU medical faculty and administrators reveal a prejudice and hostility towards chiropractic science, and an ignorance of the basic elements of chiropractic, which, in combination, raise a very real question as to whether FSU has the capacity to develop and implement a sound chiropractic educational program. Until such time as the basic issues of objective analysis, academic freedom and a responsible understanding of the nature of chiropractic science, art, practice and philosophy can be demonstrated on the part of FSU decision makers, extreme caution in seeking to push the proposed school through is warranted. ICA is committed to making every effort to exert a positive influence on the situation, with the goal of establishing a sound chiropractic program, capable of graduating doctors of chiropractic able to serve the public with the maximum levels of skill and dedication.


New Beginnings Moves May Meeting to New Jersey

Due to popular demand the New Beginnings May program initially scheduled for Orlando, will be held in Long Branch, New Jersey. Hundreds of chiropractors are expected to be present in a celebration of the principles and philosophy of chiropractic. Those who have attended will tell you that this program tugs at your heart.



There is a lot of chiropractic news that makes the general media world-wide.  Not all the news is good, but it is worth knowing about.  To help keep you informed, Now You Know features this Chiro-News section in each edition of "The Information Age" email newsletter. This feature provides the title and links to the various news items of interest to chiropractors. Check each month to read the news relevant to our profession here.  To see the articles, please click on the headline link below.


NYK Upcoming Seminars and Shows

We would like to thank the many associations, organizations and groups that have us speaking on their programs . Dates permitting, we would love to participate at your Association or Society convention as well. If you are interested in having us at your program, please contact us at either nowyouknow@nowyouknow.net or call us at 800-695-8937. Below is a list of programs and speaking engagements we have scheduled in the near future.




January 28 - 29, 2005

Body By God
Orlando FL

Teach the World About Chiro

February 11 - 12, 2005
Get The Big Idea Schiffman Seminar
Chicago IL.
Get The Big Idea
February 19 - 20, 2005
Speaking & Booth
"Chiropractic Without a Doubt"
TBA location

ICA  1-800-423-4690

March 4 - 6, 2005

ICA Fitness Symposium / Arnold Classic
Columbus Ohio

ICA - 800-423-4690

March 10 - 12, 2005

Generations Superconfernce
Boston, MA

Future Perfect

March 11 - 13, 2005

Michigan Chiropractic Association
Soaring Eagle Resort in Mt. Pleasant


March 12 - 13, 2005
Speaking & Booth

"Chiropractic Without a Doubt"

ICA  1-800-423-4690

March18-19, 2005
Speaking & Booth

Body By God
Dallas TX

Teach the World About Chiro

March-31, April 1-2 20055

Dynamic Essentials
Atlanta Georgia


April 1-2 2005

Waiting List Practice
Dallas TX

The Waiting List Practice

April 8-9 2005

Family Practice
Atlanta GA

Family Practice

April 9 - 10, 2005
Speaking & Booth

"Chiropractic Without a Doubt"
location TBA

ICA  1-800-423-4690

April 28 - May 1, 2005

Life Source Seminars Crowne Plaza Hotel, Atlanta GA

Life Source Seminars

May 5 - 8, 2005
Speaking & Booth
New Beginnings Ocean Place Conference Resort, Long Branch NJ

May 21 - 22, 2005
Speaking & Booth

"Chiropractic Without a Doubt"
location TBA

ICA  1-800-423-4690

Additional dates  & locations in 2005 will be listed as they are confirmed.


Now You Know Internet Educational Services

Now You Know Websites: Our combination of features, updates, message quality and quantity of content has made Now You Know the largest provider of individual websites to the chiropractic profession. There are 33 templates to choose from, over 800 pages of content, and many other features at a great price. Check out the ever growing list of features on our website at: www.nowyouknow.net, then click on "Website Service".

Now You Know Email Newsletter Service: Our newsletter is the most popular patient email newsletter in chiropractic.  Current and hard-hitting articles on health and chiropractic issues delivered directly to your patient's inbox has made our newsletter service unsurpassed in chiropractic.  Additionally, our newsletter service now allows our subscribers to easily send bulk emails out to your entire list.  So, not only do your patients get the great stories and articles from the NYK Newsletter, but they can also get updates created by you! 

Echiropractic:  We push the technology window to the limit with online chiropractic pamphlets, cards, and office letters for your unlimited use.  This service allows the subscriber to send unlimited individual emails directly to patients. Each Echiropractic message can be customized with a message from the doctor.  This service is similar to some other popular online greeting cards, with one big difference. These messages are for chiropractic offices with chiropractic messages.

Now You Know Premium Package: Using all three educational services above the Premium Package is the best resource available for complete online educational tools in chiropractic.  All this is packaged together at a great savings.


Products for your Office and Practice

NYK Patient Lecture Presentation: Now You Know offers the most graphically impressive patient lecture available in chiropracticUse hi-tech graphics and dazzling images to teach your patients about chiropractic and your office.   Now available with both a CD-Rom for Laptop and LCD projectors, as well as 35mm slides for slide projector presentations.  This presentation also comes with an audio tape of the program being given live to be used as a training tool.

oslide01.JPG (11991 bytes)

Chiropractic Depot: (www.chiropracticdepot.com)  This website features supplies and equipment to help chiropractors and those involved with chiropractic have better access to the tools and services they need to grow and reach more people. The products included on this site include the "ShowMax Spinal Screening Display". This display is the ultimate spinal screening tool. Also, we now have the new electronic "Sign-In".  Why have paper sign-in sheets when you can have patients sign this permanent electronic record. Click on the thumbnail to the right for more information.

"ShowMax Spinal Screening Display" at Chiropractic Depot: (www.chiropracticdepot.com)  This display is the ultimate spinal screening tool. This comes complete with 4 colorful and customizable graphics with your name and office information on them. If you do spinal screenings this portable display booth gives you the professional look you need to draw potential patients to you. This booth can be set up or folded down in seconds and it rolls like a suitcase with wheels. Click on the thumbnail to the right for more information. Available without graphics at an even bigger discount if you choose to use your own posters.

Chiropractic Without A Doubt Seminar (www.chiropracticwithoutadoubt.com)  This program, featuring Dr. Steve Hoffman and myself, covers the range of science, technique, research, and education technology for chiropractic. Response to this program has been very positive as attendees not only get license renewal credit but also get valuable information that can be used in practice the next day. You can click on the thumbnail to the right to go to the website and get more information and the upcoming schedule. To register please call the ICA at 800-423-4690.


How To Contact NYK

General NYK Mailing Address:
Now You Know Inc.
PO Box 2210
Marietta, GA 30061-2210


We're just off the beautiful Marietta Square.

 Use our toll free number to reach any of our departments

Our Email Addresses