The Information Age Newsletter

February, 2008


Arnold is Coming Back Again

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger will be returning again to the ICA Sports & Fitness Symposium on February 29 - March 1, 2008 in Columbus Ohio.  Each year Governor Schwarzenegger holds his annual bodybuilding and fitness symposium in Columbus Ohio, known simply as "The Arnold.".  Hundreds of thousands of people attend this event to see the many sport competitions. 

For the past 15 years the ICA Sports & Fitness Symposium has been held in conjunction with The Arnold.  Not only are the best in chiropractic teaching about chiropractic and sports, but Arnold himself shows up to the event to speak specifically to the chiropractors.  At the end of his talk Arnold takes an individual picture with each of the Chiropractors in attendance.

The ICA website ( describes this event by saying, "ICA’s Symposium on Natural Fitness for 2008 will once again include a personal presentation by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger! This is more than a seminar: featuring an array of exceptional educational sessions, the Symposium on Natural Fitness also offers exciting celebrity athlete appearances and a world-class sports festival! Don’t miss this special opportunity to gain practical, clinically relevant updates on case management for conditioning, injury prevention, and performance enhancement in sports and exercise with patients at all levels of athletic interest. Join us in Columbus, Ohio on February 29-March 2, 2008 for a fun, exciting and educational weekend."

If you are planning to attend you should contact ICA as rooms in Columbus fill up fast for this event.



Vickie Palmer Steps Down as Board Chair of Palmer

A story from the Quad City Times on February 04, 2008 reports that Vickie Palmer, great-granddaughter of DD Palmer, has stepped down as chairman of the school’s Board of Trustees after holding the post for 20 years.  She is remaining on the Board as a member.

The Quad City Times quoted Ms. Palmer's comments, "I began considering this nearly seven years ago and consulted with many advisers, including my two sisters, during that time. For many reasons, I’m confident that this is the right time to make a smooth transition … More importantly, the time is right for a practicing chiropractor to lead this college as it has become a true participant in the mainstream health care delivery system.”

Dr. Trevor Ireland, of Anchorage, Alaska will take over the position as Board Chair.  He stated, "I’ve trained my entire life to assume this position. As we enter this new era of chiropractic, I shall do my utmost to benefit Palmer College, pursue its mission and protect and perpetuate its philosophy, science and art, and continue to honor the historic connection between Vickie Palmer and the college.”  Dr. Ireland is a successful practicing chiropractor in Alaska.  He is a former Board member of ICA and a Distinguished Fellow of the International Chiropractors Association.



Making Your Website Yours

Because we do so many chiropractors websites, we at Now You Know have seen what really is effective.  As we have stated before, the best use of a website is for referral enhancement.  Most practices are about 95% referral based. Increasing the number of referrals is the easiest and most effective means of generating new patients from your website.

One of the keys to making your website effective is to personalize it.  The more feeling and "you", you put into it, the more it will touch visitors and give them a good and easy feeling. Pictures and videos are the biggest things you can add that really make people feel at ease with starting care.  At NYK, we have always made sure our website service is fully customizable and encouraged the addition of pictures, videos and stories to our doctors sites.

Below are several ideas of what you can add to your NYK website to make it more personal, and more effective.

  • Opening greeting video.  Dr. Jay Handt of has a simple but effective opening video greeting visitors to his website.

  • Drs. Andrew and Kristi De Saro, of have pictures of them speaking to school groups in their "about the doctors" section.

  • Dr. Michael Smatt of, has a huge section of pictures of the celebrities and VIPs he has taken care of in his office.

  • Dr. Miguel Cruz of, has a patient testimonial page where he has pictures and testimonials from many of his patients.

  • Drs. Colleen Trombley-VanHoogstraat and Marc VanHoogstraat of have created a video of testimonials and have this video on their website.

  • Dr. Dennis Nikitow not only has pages with pictures for testimonials, celebrities and an office tour, but he also has pages with pictures of before and after x-rays, showing the results of care.

There are many other things that our subscribers are adding to their websites.  One such idea is a page describing the new patient experience, (see sample here).  A page with pictures about the first visit in your office would help dispel any fears a prospective new patient would have about what goes on the first day they visit your office. This page should include your office forms so that new patients can fill them out at home before coming to your office.

We have always maintained our NYK website service to offer FULLY customizable websites for our doctors. Being chiropractors ourselves, we understand what patients and prospective new patients want to see to help them decide to choose chiropractic.  We have tailored the vast amount of content we include with our services to that end.  But we also encourage each of our subscribers to utilize our service and customize their websites.  Our success is based upon your success.






NYK Upcoming Seminars and Shows

We would like to thank the many associations, organizations and groups that have us speaking on their programs. Dates permitting, we would love to participate at your Association or Society convention as well. If you are interested in having us at your program, please contact us at either or call us at 1-800-695-8937. Below is a list of programs and speaking engagements we have scheduled in the near future.





Now You Know, - Where Education and Income Go Hand-On-Hand

NYK Websites:  Now You Know is the largest provider of individual websites to the chiropractic profession. Our website service includes your choice of 33 templates, over 800 pages of content, "Ask the Experts" videos, and many other educational features that make an NYK website the best value in patient and community education. Check out the ever growing list of features on our website at:,  then click on "Website Service".  We are so confident that your will be satisfied with our service that we do something that others do not.  WE HAVE NO CONTRACTS!  You simply subscribe to our service and pay by the quarter.

Chiropractic Depot:  Why pay for a website when you can also have your website start paying you?  Chiropractic Depot brings education and income together on your website. With the Chiropractic Depot service, you have a storefront inside your website where visitors can select and purchase from a growing list of health, wellness, and fitness products.  The sales are filled by the vendors and products are shipped directly to your patients.  And the best part is that you get a commission on each sale!

Chiropractic Depot is a service designed to bring the health and wellness industry together with the chiropractic profession. Each year, billions of dollars of health and wellness related products are sold to the public. It is time for us as Chiropractors to be the leaders in this consumer driven movement.

Now You Know Email Newsletter Service:
newsletter delivers current and hard-hitting news on health and chiropractic emailed directly to your patient's inbox.  If you want to keep your patients informed, this email newsletter service is unsurpassed in chiropractic.  But there is more.  The NYK email newsletter service is really two services in one!  With the NYK email newsletter service, subscribers can also easily send bulk emails out to their entire patient list. So, with the NYK email newsletter service, not only do your patients get the great stories and articles from the NYK Newsletter, but they can also get updates created by you!

Echiropractic: We push technology to the limit with online chiropractic pamphlets, cards, and office letters for your unlimited use. This service allows you to send unlimited either individual or bulk emails, directly to a single patient or your entire list!.  Echiropractic emails can be customized with a personal message from you. This service is similar to some other popular online greeting cards, with one big difference. These messages are for chiropractic offices with chiropractic messages.

Now You Know "Premium Plus Package":  This package is our best value and includes all four NYK services at a substantial savings.  Subscribing to all four services is the best value and resource available for complete online educational tools in chiropractic.




How to Contact NYK

General NYK Mailing Address:
Now You Know Inc.
PO Box 2210, Marietta,
GA 30061-2210

Use our toll free number
to reach any of our departments


Our Email Addresses
