The Information Age Newsletter


November,  2008


Happy Thanksgiving - We Have Much to Be Thankful For

With Thanksgiving just around the corner we at NYK reflect on the many things we are thankful for. First we are thankful for all the blessings we each have received in our lives. We are thankful for being part of a profession where we can serve the masses with a unique and drugless form of healthcare.

At Now You Know we are also thankful for the many strides our company has made this year. We have introduced new ADJUSTable websites that allow you to change your theme instantly and as often as you desire. We have introduced an online appointment request feature that allows patients to request appointments from your website with that request instantly going to your cell phone via text message. We have added many additional features and content to help educate both our doctor's patients and the world!

To help celebrate Thanksgiving we have added two additional themes to our ADJUSTable websites. You can see a full sized working version of this at my website at Thumbnails of these can be seen here:






Opening a Practice - Again

For the past 5 years I have taken a break from active practice and devoted my time to several other responsibilities. These included raising two adopted daughters with my wife Evelyn, running Now You Know, speaking at chiropractic events around the country, and being active as a Board member of ICA. Well, my daughters are getting a little older (18 & 12), I am no longer on the ICA Board, and I have prioritized my speaking engagements. So it is time to re-enter practice!

In the past few years, and more recently the past few months I have become "itchy" to get back to seeing patients. Attending programs like, Get the Big Idea, Dynamic Essentials (DE) and New Beginnings, among others has only served to fuel my desire.

I have always believed in following the God given Innate messages that have come my way. That is what made me move from Florida to Georgia and has blessed me with a wonderful family, and all the success I have had in chiropractic and in my life. At my recent Philosophy on the Farm, someone walked up to me and offered me a walk-in practice. That itch I was having became an all out fire.  And although the practice I was offered was just a little too far away from my home, it set in motion a series of events that is leading me back into practice.

Just in case I was not sure, I'll relate a little story.

My wife and I were having lunch at one of her favorite restaurants about three weeks ago.  Just before we began eating, we said a little prayer for the meal and to guide our direction regarding opening an office. Not 30 seconds after that prayer my cell phone rang with a local number I did not recognize. Upon answering it a woman said that she wanted to make an appointment to be a new patient and come in to see me.  Stunned, I asked how she heard about me.  It seemed she had seen my website (the sample one I keep for Now You Know),, and after reading it she wanted to start care with me.  I am not usually at a loss for words, but it took me a few seconds to respond and tell her that although I'd be delighted to serve her, I was not in practice yet and in fact did not even know where I'd be opening an office. I did tell her to watch the website as I'll post it on there as soon as I get a location and will be opening.  This call sealed it for me and my wife. We were going back into practice!.  And just in case I thought this was just a fluke, I had another woman call me a week later to also set up an appointment.  I have not had any calls like this in the last 5 years since I left practice, and now I get two. For me that is a clear message.

Being wiser, I am looking to open this office with a modest budget, while keeping the overhead low. I am keeping a log of the events and plan on sharing my experiences as time goes on.



Increasing Your Internet Exposure

Now You Know is pleased to announce some exciting news to help our subscribers, and all chiropractors. And, there's absolutely no cost involved. It's something that will dramatically improve the visibility of your practice on the Internet, making it easier for folks in your community to find you. With the new ADJUSTable websites introduced by NYK, your position on the search engines has been dramatically improved.  However, as with most things, there is more that you can do that will help you further your exposure.

The folks at Chiropractic America are giving away video instruction on the simple, no-cost steps you can take to ensure that your practice appears at the top of the search engine results when someone in your community is searching for a chiropractor. They have agreed to make this information available to Now You Know (NYK) subscribers and prospective subscribers in advance of a profession wide rollout.

This will enhance the value of your NYK website by potentially expanding its reach beyond those that you send to the site or are referred there by other practice members, as the search engine listing prominently displays your NYK website address.

According to the Pew Research Center (one of the largest research organizations in the world) there are 9-10 million Americans online, searching for health information each day. Some are seeking a chiropractor. We share Chiropractic America’s vision that these internet health seekers connect with an office where they will be properly introduced to chiropractic care by the very best in our profession. Visit and simply enter your name and email address to gain access to the video tutorials.

If you have any questions, be sure to post them in the comments section of the web site. Herb Newborg, president at Chiropractic America, assures me that all questions will be answered quickly. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised by this invaluable marketing training. Greater visibility on the Internet could mean additional new practice members at no-cost to you, at a time when many are rightfully cautious about taking on additional expenses. You would be well served to get started on this as soon as possible. The sooner you get started the better your chance of owning the top listings on Google and Yahoo in your community.


The Good, the Bad, and the Subluxated! - AKA - Chiropractic in the News

The world wide web is full of articles that are of interest to us as chiropractors. Not all of these stories are good, and many of them I do not agree with, however, you should be aware of them. To see the actual articles, please click on the headline links below.




NYK Upcoming Seminars and Shows

We would like to thank the many associations, organizations and groups that have us speaking on their programs. Dates permitting, we would love to participate at your Association or Society convention as well. If you are interested in having us at your program, please contact us at either or call us at 1-800-695-8937. Below is a list of programs and speaking engagements we have scheduled in the near future.





Now You Know Internet Educational Services

First and Foremost, We Are a Service:  Since we are chiropractors we understand the concept of "service".  We make every aspect of our service user friendly.  You do not have to have a computer degree to get the most of your NYK service.  In addition, we are so confident that you will be satisfied with our service that we do something that others do not.  NO CONTRACTS!  You simply subscribe to our service and pay by the quarter. We have to continually earn your business.

NYK ADJUSTable Websites:  Now You Know is the largest provider of individual websites to the chiropractic profession. Our website service now includes the NYK ADJUSTable Websites, with online appointment requests, over 800 pages of content, "Ask the Experts" videos, and many other educational features that make an NYK website the best value in patient and community education. Check out the ever growing list of features on our website at: 

Now You Know Email Newsletter Service:
"REAL NEWS - REAL CURRENT!   The NYK email newsletter delivers current and hard-hitting news on health and chiropractic emailed directly to your patient's inbox.  If you want to keep your patients informed, this email newsletter service is unsurpassed in chiropractic.  But there is more.  The NYK email newsletter service is really two services in one!  With the NYK email newsletter service, subscribers can also easily send bulk emails out to their entire patient list. So, with the NYK email newsletter service, not only do your patients get the great stories and articles from the NYK Newsletter, but they can also get updates created by you!

Chiropractic Depot:  Why pay for a website when you can also have your website start paying you?  Chiropractic Depot brings education and income together on your website. With the Chiropractic Depot service, you have a storefront inside your website where visitors can select and purchase from a growing list of health, wellness, and fitness products.  The sales are filled by the vendors and products are shipped directly to the purchaser.  And the best part is that you get a commission on each sale!

Echiropractic: We push technology to the limit with online chiropractic pamphlets, cards, and office letters for your unlimited use. This service allows you to send unlimited either individual or bulk emails, directly to a single patient or your entire list!.  Echiropractic emails can be customized with a personal message from you. This service is similar to some other popular online greeting cards, with one big difference. These messages are for chiropractic offices with chiropractic messages.




How to Contact NYK

General NYK Mailing Address:
Now You Know Inc.
PO Box 2210, Marietta,
GA 30061-2210

Use our toll free number
to reach any of our departments


Our Email Addresses

