April 2013

In This Issue:

New Patients Can Now Text Appointment Requests from Your Website

Now You Know ADJUSTable websites offer cutting edge technology for the things you need in your office. One of  the unique NYK only technologies is the ability for  new patients to request appointments directly through your website. What is unique about the NYK system is that those requests are sent INSTANTLY, via text to whatever cell phone or email address you want. This NYK feature is called putting a "RAT" (request appointment by text) onto your website. When a new patient requests an appointment from your NYK website, you or your staff gets that request instantly on your cell phone and email address. You or your staff can then call the new patient back to confirm.

Click on the image above to watch a YouTube® video
demonstrating this ground-breaking feature.

What Are Your Patients Reading?

Now You Know has always believed in the quality of the information that is put into our newsletters and on our websites. We are chiropractors, therefore the articles that we release are intended for our patients as well as our subscribers. Relevant, well written, timely and sourced content build respect and credibility. This increases action steps by the reader, increases their desire to make referrals, which translates into more new patients for your office.

Below is an article that was included in this month's NYK Real-News email newsletter, and now also appears on all the NYK subscribers websites. This article represents just one of six that were in this latest edition. When it comes to referral stimulation, and patient retention, it is all about the quality of the content.

One in Ten U.S. Kids Diagnosed With ADHD

The above is a headline from a HealthDay article appearing on WebMD on April 1, 2013. What is interesting is the sub-headline for this story which reads, "But many children who get diagnosis may not really have the condition, experts say."

According to a recent report released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately 11 percent of all children attending school, and a whopping 19 percent of high school males, are diagnosed with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). A total of 6.4 million school-age children have been diagnosed with ADHD which is a 16 percent rise since 2007 and a 53 percent increase since 2003 as reported by the New York Times.

Approximately two-thirds of the children are prescribed Adderall, Ritalin, or other psychotropic drugs which carry side effects such as  anxiety, psychosis, and addiction.  According to a New York Times article dated April 6, 2013, doctors are increasingly concerned about the overuse of the ADHD diagnosis and the overuse of the drug treatments for ADHD in US school children.

"Mild symptoms are being diagnosed so readily, which goes well beyond the disorder and beyond the zone of ambiguity to pure enhancement of children who are otherwise healthy," said Dr. William Graf, a pediatric neurologist in New Haven, Conn., and a professor at the Yale School of Medicine.

The over-diagnosis of ADHD is expected to get worse with the newest version of the American Psychiatric Association’s manual, the DSM5. According to the online Australian, new.com.au article by Sue Dunlevy on March 31, 2013, Australian psychiatrists are calling for a boycott of DSM5 because of their concerns. Australian psychiatrist Professor Jon Jureidini believes the adoption of the DSM5 will bring about the over-diagnosis of mental conditions such as ADHD that will subsequently lead to over-medication.

US psychiatrist Professor Allen Frances supports the Australian psychiatrists’ fears stating that "…it will provoke a rash of new fad diagnoses that will see young children heavily medicated."

According to an April 9, 2013 article on the Huffington Post blog "The Psycho-Therapeutic School System: Pathologizing Childhood" by John W. Whitehead, children with symptoms such as distraction, fidgeting, daydreaming, nonstop talking, and trouble sitting still, are usual and normal behaviors for children. Because there is no clinical test for ADHD, normal childish behaviors in perfectly normal children are being diagnosed as ADHD.

CDC director Dr. Thomas Friedan characterized the nation's current fixation on ADHD as an over diagnosis and a "misuse [of ADHD medications that] appears to be growing at an alarming rate."

CNS YouTube® Video Review
Videos for your Chiropractic Office

YouTube® videos have quickly become one of the most effective and dramatic ways to educate patients in your office about chiropractic. With Now You Know's CNS 2.0, you can switch between playing YouTube® videos or articles from the archive on your website to better educate your patients. To help you select videos for your CNS player, we thought it would be helpful to review videos each month and provide a recommended list. NYK Website and CNS subscribers can then add these to their CNS video playlist to play in their office on their CNS.

The CNS is available as a stand-alone product through Now You Know whether you are a Now You Know subscriber or not! There are no start-up charges and the cost is a very reasonable $39.95 per month with NO contracts. An even better deal is that the CNS is included at NO additional charge to all Now You Know website and premium subscribers. Please call us at 1-800-695-8937 if you have any questions about the Chiropractic News Service.

Title URL
Labeling Kids with Mental Disorders http://youtu.be/Wv49RFo1ckQ
If you share a passion about the over diagnosing, and overmedication of our children for widely defined psychological conditions, you are going to love this video.
Why Kids Need Chiropractic http://youtu.be/s18mRlmnCpM
Next time a patient with total disbelief asks you, "Why do kids need chiropractic?", just direct them to this video. This comical music video leaves most patients with no doubt why kids should get a chiropractic examination. 
Pretendatrin Drug Ad Parody http://youtu.be/tvFh84SGksQ
This hysterical  ad parody looks like a legitimate drug ad until you hear the absurdity of what is being sold.  But after you see this, you realize that this is not far from the truth.
Songs of the Chiropractor http://youtu.be/T-TqJnJv10s
Sometimes the ability to laugh at yourself shows a certain level of acceptance. I have seen many jokes on TV about chiropractic that were disparaging to our profession. This short skit from the American version of the hit TV show, Who's Line is it Anyway, is just plain funny.
Chiropractic and Family Wellness http://youtu.be/e2msxFCCRnY
Dr. Jeanne Ohm, Executive Director of the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association, discusses the importance of chiropractic care for the entire family.
Chiropractic on The Doctors http://youtu.be/cNKYRacGO_s
Chiropractic is explained and demonstrated on the morning TV show, "The Doctors." This show is certainly not in my must see TV list, but this episode on chiropractic should be.

If you know of YouTube® videos that you would like us to review and consider recommending, please email the the URL to bbraile@nowyouknow.net.

The Good, the Bad, and the Subluxated! - AKA - Chiropractic in the News

Note from Dr. Bob; I recently completed a Nuts & Bolts class for the Georgia Council of Chiropractic titled, "How to Open a Chiropractic Office" During that class many students wanted to know where was the best place to purchase x-ray film. Well, I've been using KSR X-ray for x-ray film for many years.  They have the best prices and service.  All orders are shipped the same day. KSR offers the 14x17 x-ray film for $89.00 per box. They can be reached at 800-226-3347 or www.ksrxray.com.

Now You Know Internet Educational Services

We Are Chiropractors!  We know what it takes to run a successful practice. We did not start as a technology company that decided to sell websites to chiropractors. We are chiropractors who developed the technology to help chiropractors better spread the message of chiropractic. From our innovative Adjustable Websites, to our in-office Chiropractic News Service, to our Real-News Email Newsletters, all of the services of Now You Know have been developed and tested by chiropractors, - for chiropractors. NO CONTRACTS!  You simply subscribe to our service and pay by the quarter. We have to continually earn your business.

ADJUSTable Websites - Generation 3

NYK ADJUSTable Websites Gen 3 artfully combine the newest and most advanced technology with the most effective online educational content in chiropractic. All this is wrapped with search engine optimization and functional features designed specifically to grow your chiropractic practice.

Please view the video above to learn about our services.

Chiropractic News Service 2.0, "CNS 2.0":

The New CNS 2.0 utilizes a flat screen TV to turn your waiting room into an education room. Choose between YouTube® videos from a list  you create, or play educational articles from our database of hundreds of documented health and wellness articles.

The CNS 2.0 also allows you to put your messages, announcements, and pictures right where your patients will see them along with three days of your local weather.

This service is available to everyone as a stand-alone subscription for just $39.95 per month, or is automatically included with a NYK website. Click on the image for more information on this service.

REAL-NEWS Email Newsletter:

Getting your chiropractic message out to your patient base and your community is critical to growing a practice. At NYK, we know that a newsletter is more effective if it is actual news. That is why we do not offer an ordinary email newsletter. We offer a REAL-NEWS  email newsletter. We take the time, do the research, and write articles specifically geared toward attracting new chiropractic patients. All articles are based on current news and research from relevant, credible sources.

These stimulating newsletters are emailed directly to your patients. All you need to do is add email addresses to your list. You can even create multiple lists for targeted mailings. In essence, we do the work, and you get the credit.

And we don't stop there. NYK also combines this highly acclaimed content with modern and useful technology. This service is also a bulk mailing program which allows you to create and send your own emails to your lists of recipients. With the NYK Real-News email newsletter service, you can send out your own email blasts to your email list on subjects that you think are important for your community or patients.


Keep in touch with your patients by sending educational emails, birthday greetings, referral thanks, seasonal greetings, and much more. Echiropractic allows you to send unlimited individual, or bulk online ecards, and pamphlets directly to your patients for many common patient situations. Each Echiropractic ecard or pamphlet carries a chiropractic theme which can be personalized with a message from you. Click on the image for more information on Echiropractic.

Professional SEO Now Available at a Fraction of the Cost

Now You Know offers the next level of professional Search Engine Optimization. This corporate level of SEO is now at a price that fits every budget. For those who desire to take it up a few more notches, this could be your ticket.

This service will raise your rankings with the Search Engines, allowing you to target potential new patients in your local area.

Now You Know Inc.©
PO Box 2210
Marietta, GA 30061-2210