Happy & Healthy Holidays 2013

In This Issue:

The First Christmas

Now You Know's Echiropractic ecard services includes a wide variety of ecards that you can send to your practice members either individually or in bulk.  One of them is the story of the first Christmas told in a way that makes the reader think about common medical care.  Enjoy this Echiropractic holiday message from us at NYK.

Around 2000 years ago the baby Jesus was born in a manger in Bethlehem. This blessed event would have been looked upon quite differently if seen from a medical perspective. Let us examine some so-called "modern" thinking about this event.

What a big risk our Heavenly Father took when He sent His Son to us in the way He did. First of all, the Virgin Mary was much to young to bear such an important child. Plus, no tests were performed to see if she was even capable of carrying the child full term. Also, Mary was not adequately prepared. She attended no birthing classes, did not practice her breathing, nor did she read up on the birth process.

It should also be noted that some safety procedures were ignored during this pregnancy. I mean, no blood tests were done, no obstetric examinations, no ultra sound, or even the listening and monitoring of the child's heart beat. And surely, for such an important baby, an amniocentesis should have been done! Not even the proper regime of vitamins were given to the mother for her nutrition. When you think about it, we're taking a major risk here.

And just think of the terrible conditions for the birth itself. Certainly that stable was not sterile. And with all those animals in the same room it's a wonder there wasn't a major infection. Not even simple clean sheets, or a surgical masks for the three Wise Men were used. And I`m quite sure that Mary was not on the proper delivery table with her feet in the stirrups.

If that`s not bad enough, common medical practice was ignored from this point on. Certainly an important woman like Mary should have been given some pain relievers or a spinal block to help ease her discomfort. Of course an episiotomy should have been called for to help out. I'll bet that a set of clamps weren't even available in case of need. Not to mention the lack of fetal monitoring equipment in case an emergency cesarean was required. I mean this whole procedure sounds like a nightmare.

From this point it still got worse. No surgical instruments to cut the cord, no silver nitrate for the baby's eyes, no fetal intensive care unit, no alcohol rubs, no temperature control cubicles, no suction of the child's nose or throat, none of the modern safety precautions that should have been used.

The more I think about it, the more I'm convinced this entire procedure was a menace to the mother and child. Someone should be liable for mal-practice in a case like this. With the state of things as they were, I'll bet the child Jesus never even got His required vaccinations!

I don't know,... but if it were up to modern medicine, this should have been done much differently.
God sure took a big chance.....
... or just maybe we need to rethink the things we think are necessary, and stop interfering with normal God-given miracles.

Click on Image above for link to video holiday greeting from Dr Bob

Video URL: http://youtu.be/uPwnn_ZTyHM

From all of us at Now You Know, we want to wish you and your family the best for the holidays and a bright and happy New Year. So, to make sure you know we want to include everyone in these greetings, we offer the following:

United States: Merry Christmas
Spanish: Feliz Navidad
French: Joyeux Noel
Italian: Buone Feste Natalizie
German: Fröhliche Weihnachten
Russian: Pozdrevlyayu s prazdnikom Rozhdestva is Novim Godom
Chinese: (Cantonese) Gun Tso Sun Tan'Gung Haw Sun
Chinese: (Mandarin) Kung His Hsin Nien bing Chu Shen Tan
Irish: Nollaig Shona Dhuit, or Nodlaig mhaith chugnat
Japanese: Shinnen omedeto. Kurisumasu Omedeto
Korean: Sung Tan Chuk Ha
Swedish: God Jul and (Och) Ett Gott Nytt År
Vietnamese: Chuc Mung Giang Sinh
Brooklyn: Yo, I got your Christmas right here!

Now You Know Internet Educational Services

We Are Chiropractors!  We know what it takes to run a successful practice. We did not start as a technology company that decided to sell websites to chiropractors. We are chiropractors who developed the technology to help chiropractors better spread the message of chiropractic. From our innovative Adjustable Websites, to our in-office Chiropractic News Service, to our Real-News Email Newsletters, all of the services of Now You Know have been developed and tested by chiropractors, - for chiropractors. NO CONTRACTS!  You simply subscribe to our service and pay monthly. We have to continually earn your business.

ADJUSTable Websites - Generation 3

NYK ADJUSTable Websites Gen 3 artfully combine the newest and most advanced technology with the most effective online educational content in chiropractic. All this is wrapped with search engine optimization and functional features designed specifically to grow your chiropractic practice. Remember, the CNS 2.0 is automatically included with a NYK website subscription!

Please view the video above to learn about our services.

Chiropractic News Service 2.0, "CNS 2.0":

The New CNS 2.0 utilizes a flat screen TV to turn your waiting room into an education room. Choose between YouTube® videos from a list  you create, or play educational articles from our database of hundreds of documented health and wellness articles.

Click here or on the image to see a video on the CNS 2.0 in action.

The CNS 2.0 also allows you to put your messages, announcements, and pictures right where your patients will see them along with three days of your local weather.

This service is available to everyone as a stand-alone subscription for just $39.95 per month, or is automatically included with a NYK website. Click on the image for more information on this service.

REAL-NEWS Email Newsletter:

Getting your chiropractic message out to your patient base and your community is critical to growing a practice. At NYK, we know that a newsletter is more effective if it is actual news. That is why we do not offer an ordinary email newsletter. We offer a REAL-NEWS  email newsletter. We take the time, do the research, and write articles specifically geared toward attracting new chiropractic patients. All articles are based on current news and research from relevant, credible sources.

These stimulating newsletters are emailed directly to your patients. All you need to do is add email addresses to your list. You can even create multiple lists for targeted mailings. In essence, we do the work, and you get the credit.

And we don't stop there. NYK also combines this highly acclaimed content with modern and useful technology. This service is also a bulk mailing program which allows you to create and send your own emails to your lists of recipients. With the NYK Real-News email newsletter service, you can send out your own email blasts to your email list on subjects that you think are important for your community or patients.


Keep in touch with your patients by sending educational emails, birthday greetings, referral thanks, seasonal greetings, and much more. Echiropractic allows you to send unlimited individual, or bulk online ecards and pamphlets directly to your patients for many common patient situations. Each Echiropractic ecard or pamphlet carries a chiropractic theme which can be personalized with a message from you. Click on the image for more information on Echiropractic.

Professional SEO Now Available at a Fraction of the Cost

Now You Know offers the next level of professional Search Engine Optimization. This corporate level of SEO is now at a price that fits every budget. For those who desire to take it up a few more notches, this could be your ticket.

This service will raise your rankings with the search engines, allowing you to target potential new patients in your local area.

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